
What Makes Baltic Birch Plywood The Best Option For Home Décor?

When refurbishing home décor, there are many things to mull over. From the theme of interior décor to the best base materials for furnishing, right down to the surface finish and laminates, furniture design is a fully-fledged task, and not every person can be an expert.

Although the choices for base materials are excellent, fantastic alternatives such as plywood can be relied on as a substitute for solid wood. However, Baltic birch plywood always comes out to be the best option, especially for home décor. Let us discuss what makes it the best choice.

Baltic Birch Plywood

Baltic birch plywood is unique due to its all-birch veneer core that is cross-banded and laminated with exterior-grade glue, making for a superior stable sheet. It even has a thicker face veneer than traditional cabinet-grade plywood.

It is popular for its easy machinability and screw-holding strength, which is superior to other plywood alternatives. Its strength, uniform plies and thicker face and backing veneer also make Baltic birch the plywood of choice for pieces where you want to create dovetail or finger joints.

Baltic birch plywood is a high grade of plywood hailing from Europe’s Baltic region that features a solid birch core, more plys for greater stiffness, no irritating voids, and a finishable edge. It is entirely made from birch wood and is thus considered to be of a much higher quality.

Advantages of Baltic Birch Plywood


  • Aesthetic Appeal

Regular plywood is made using solid timber fragments and a wood veneer with a thickness of at least 3 mm, packed together using several layers of veneer. Despite being made using more than a few layers of veneer, plywood comes with a refined solid wood finish, making it hard to distinguish between both.

If you are searching for something that is wood but not completely wood, plywood are your best b et. Decorative plywood comes with a hardwood veneer and comes in all wood colour palettes for you to pick and choose from. Regarding aesthetics, your choices for personalization are very similar in both plywood and birch plywood.


  • Utility & Application

Over the years, plywood has made for an all-around affordable and more straightforward option when compared to solid wood furniture. Due to its lightweight and highly durable nature, plywood has become a go-to material for kitchen furnishings, living room tables, shelves, cupboards, and much more. With high durability and similar-to-wood properties, plywood is often used to build construction sites, not just indoor spaces.


  • Strength & Durability

Concerning furnishing, plywood has been a trusted alternative to solid wood because its cross-grain texture prevents it from breaking apart. Unlike solid wood, plywood doesn’t break easily when hammered.

Plywood is one of the most promising alternatives, mainly for its durability and strength. This wood-based alternative can take as much load, if not more, as regular, solid wood. The compact and laminated make of birch plywood makes sure that weight is distributed evenly, lessening the material’s tensile strength.


  • Environment-Friendly

In light of the ceaseless cutting down of trees, plywood is much more sustainable than solid wood as it is made using multiple thin layers of wood that are glued together using an adhesive. As it is made up of numerous other layers of wood veneers, the finished product is more tensile than wood, prone to breaking apart, and stronger than any other engineered wood.

Because plywood is so easily available, is easily renewable, more affordable than solid wood, and can be replaced quicker than any other material, it makes birch plywood arguably one of the most robust and most environmentally friendly alternatives to solid wood.

To get premium quality Baltic birch wood for the construction of your home, furniture, or anything else, feel free to contact Ply Supply Inc.!


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